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There has almost certainly been a church on the present site since Saxon times, but since there is no mention of it in the Doomsday Book, the original foundations of coarsely worked stone from Myddle probably supported a wooden chapel.   It is likely that it was within the original Castle Keep, the mound of which can still be seen in the garden of the house adjoining the church grounds.

The church has been rebuilt at least 3 times.  The 14th Century tower is probably the only surviving structure from the great fire of Wem in 1677, the church was rebuilt in 1809 and the present chancel was added in 1886.

The church is a Grade 2* listed building and towards the end of 2013,  following an appeal and match funding,   Restoration of the stonework statuary and gargoyle was carried out.   The cracked tenor bell in our peal of eight was replaced in 2014 and the 1923 organ was refurbished in 2015/6.   In April 2016 the completion of the restoration was celebrated with a service of thanksgiving.

The “Town Window” (in the North Wall) records some Wem events, societies and personalities was dedicated by the Archdeacon of Salop, The Ven. Paul Thomas on 11th December 2011.


With thanks to Alison Price for permission to include extracts from her mother’s

 (Mrs Margaret Keeling-Roberts) booklet.        Copies, of which, are available in the church.

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