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Regular Services / Events



08:00 - Holy Communion

09:45 - Sung Eucharist

9:45 - Benefice Eucharist (5th Sunday of the month)

Note: this service rotates around the Benefice, please visit the diary page for the latest information.

Special Services, including Saints and Holy days and other events including any alterations, are shown in the Diary Pages.

Other services are by arrangement, please contact the Parish Priest for further information.


16:00 - Prayer meeting - First Monday of the month this group meets in church; other Mondays the meeting       is on Zoom, for an invite to Zoom meetings please contact Sue McLeod


09:30 - Holy Communion (Said)

19:30 - Choir / Singing Practice


Last Saturday of each month - 10:00 - 12:00 - Coffee morning in the Church Hall