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Feb 10th

10:00 - 12:00 - Foodshare event in the Church Hall

11:00 - 13:30 - Community Lunch in Wem Church Hall 19:00 - Lecture by Tim Ashton in Wem  Church  



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Feb 4th - 2nd before Lent

08:00 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

09:30 - Weston - Holy Eucharist

09:45 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

11:15 - Lee - Holy Eucharist

Feb 1st - Brigid c.525

09:30 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

Feb 8th

09:30 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

Feb 11th - Sunday before Lent

08:00 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

09:30 - Weston - Holy Eucharist

09:45 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

11:15 - Lee - Holy Eucharist

17:00 - Taize Service at Wem Methodist Church

Feb 14th - Ash Wednesday

19:00 - Wem - Holy Eucharist with imposition of Ashes

Feb 18th - Lent 1

08:00 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

09:30 - Weston - Holy Eucharist

09:45 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

11:15 - Lee - Holy Eucharist

Feb 24th

10:00 - 12:00 - Coffee Morning in Church Hall

Feb 22nd

09:30 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

Feb 25th - Lent 2

08:00 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

09:45 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

11:00 - Weston - Holy Eucharist

11:15 - Lee - Holy Eucharist


12:00 - Pancake Lunch in Wem Church Hall. (£2)

Feb 20th - Wem Church Hall

12:30 - 13:30 - Lent Lunch (£2)

14:00 - Lent Course - Women in the Bible

Feb 21st

19:30 - A talk by Rev’d John

Feb 27th - Wem Church Hall

12:30 - 13:30 - Lent Lunch (£2)

14:00 - Lent Course - Women in the Bible

Feb 15th - Sigfrid, Bishop, Apostle of Sweden, 1045

09:30 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

Feb 28th

19:30 - A talk by Rev’d John

Feb 29th

09:30 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

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