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Apr 2nd  

14:00 - Bible study in the  Church Hall with Rev John

Flag of St. George provided by

: http://www.crossed-flag-pins.com

Apr 4th

09:30 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

19:30 - Choir / Singing Practice

Apr 7th - Easter 2

08:00 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

09:45 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

11:00 - Weston - Holy Eucharist with Holy Baptism

11:15 - Lee - Holy Eucharist - followed by the celebration of the return of the church bells

Apr 8th   

14:00 - Bible study in the  Church Hall with Rev John

16:00 - Prayer Group Meet in Church.

Apr 10th   

11:30 - Wem - Funeral of Margaret Kathleen Crook RIP

Apr 11th - George Selwyn

09:30 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

19:00 - PCC Meeting

19:30 - APCM/AGM preceded by Holy Communion

Apr 13th   

11:30 - 13:30 - Wem - Community Lunch in the Church Hall

FWRC = Friends of the Whitchurch Road Cemetery

Apr 17th   

10:00 - Wem - Funeral of Valerie Good RIP

15:30 - Wem - Funeral of Margaret Ann Llowarch RIP

Apr 18th

09:30 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

19:30 - Choir / Singing Practice

Apr 19th   

11:30 - Wem - Funeral of Gwendoline Violet Evans RIP

Apr 20th   

09:30 - 12:00 - FWRC - Coffee Morning in the Methodist Church Hall

Apr 23 - St George’s Day

Apr 21st - Easter 4

08:00 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

09:30 - Weston - Holy Eucharist

09:45 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

11:15 - Lee - Holy Eucharist

Apr 25th - Mark the Evangelist

09:30 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

19:30 - Choir / Singing Practice

27th April - St Peter’s and St Paul’s Church, Wem

11:00 - Wem Branch of Royal British Legion 100th  Anniversary Service

Top of Page

Apr 28th - Easter 5

08:00 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

09:45 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

11:00 - Weston - Holy Eucharist

11:15 - Lee - Holy Eucharist

Apr 14th - Easter 3

08:00 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

09:30 - Weston - Holy Eucharist

09:45 - Wem - Holy Eucharist

11:15 - Lee - Holy Eucharist

Apr 30th   

14:00 - Bible study in the  Church Hall with Rev John

Apr 16th   

10:00 - 12:00 - FWRC - Open Morning at the Whitchurch Road Cemetery

14:00 - Wem - Bible Study in the Church Hall