4th February - View the Bishop of Shrewsburys “Notice of Intention to Institute” our new Rector here.

21st May - Canon William Price celebrated 50 years as a priest  (click here for more)

14th October - At a ceremony in Stafford the FWRC were  awarded a Gold certificate and a Nature Friendly certificate.

4th February - The web site published the February edition of the Benefice Magazine.

4th June - The web site published a copy of a report received on the condition of the 2 bells at St Peters

15th October - The Web site published a page of Christmas Events

13th February - The Licensing of the Revd. John Jukes took place at St Peter and St Pauls.

4th June - A presentation was made to retiring Church Warden, Chris Mellings, at the 08:00 Service

15th October - The Web site announced the holding of a Christmas Tree Festival

25th February -  The Coffee Morning in the Chuch Hall raised just under £150 for Church Funds

24th  June - Armed Forces Day was celebrated in conjunction with a Coffee Morning

26th October - Details of the Lee Brockhurst Autumn Fayre announced

03rd March - The web site published the March edition of the Benefice Magazine.

23rd June - The Big Party to celebrate Lee Brockhurst Village Hall 100th anniversary was announced.

26th October- Details of the Wem Remembrance Day announced.

28th March - The web site published the April edition of the Benefice Magazine.

5th August - Due to the loss of the editor the website published 2 items (1964 Bells appeal and Thanks from Canon Price) which were due to be included in the August Magazine

28th / 29th October we enjoyed celebrating 100 years since our Harrison and Harrison Organ was in stalled with organ recitals by Glyn Williams and Alan Viner, a concert by Shrewsbury Male Voice Choir and Fauls Singers and sang our favourite hymns in a Songs of Praise service led by our organist and choir.

1st April - The web site published copies of Post Cards discovered by Helen Hornsby

9th September - The 09:45 Servive introduced the start of the Mass of St Thomas music

7th November - The web site published details of the WuR Christmas Fayre

8th April - The Rev John and the Flower arranging team prepared the church for Easter

14th September - The Web site added details of  the proposed restarting of the “Wem Good Neighbours Scheme

12th November - Sweet P’s announced the addition of 2 new sessions to be held on the 1st Saturday

 of the month.

27th April - The web site published the May edition of the Benefice Magazine.

16th September - The Web Site added more information about the Mass of St Thomas

9th December - Pictures of thr Xmas Tree Festival set up were obtauned and will be available via a link here when the new page is published

27th April - The web site published the poster announcing the 2023 Weston-under-Redcastle Show

1st October - The Web Site published details of the Organ Centenary Weekend

26th November - Details of the December Community Lunch were published

21st May - Canon William Price celebrated 50 years as a priest  (click here for more)

8th October - The Wem Art Society held  an Exhibition in the Church Hall from 5th -7th October

26th November - Details of an Afternoon Tea  in the Chuch Hall were published



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