29th Mar - The web site published the April Parish Magazine.
13th Mar - Bishop Michael of Lichfield celebrated a Benefice Eucharist at Wem
19th Mar - The FWRC held a coffee morning in the Methodist Church Hall in support of the Lych Gate Repair Fund. Stalls included Bric-a-brac, tombola, cakes, jams and chutneys and more. Total raised was £465.
30th Apr - The web site published the May Parish Magazine.
25th May - The web site published the June Parish Magazine.
30th Jun - The web site published the July Parish Magazine.
30th Jul - The web site published the August Parish Magazine
02nd September - The web site published the September Parish Magazine
01st October - The web site published the October Parish Magazine
21st September - The candidate for the post on Rector visited for a Familiarisation Day
22nd September - Interview for the candidate for the post of Rector took place
29th October - The web site published the November Parish Magazine
13th November - after 13 months the details of our new rector were announced
5th December - The web site published the December / January edition of the Parish Magazine.
20th December - The web site published picures and carols from the Candlelight Carol Service
22nd Nov - The web site announced details of the appointment of our new Rector
17th November - The web site published a “Hello” letter from the new Rector