Updates From the Rector - March 2021

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Parish Magazine - March 2021 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear All,

I trust this finds you well - please find attached the March edition of our Magazine.

Keep taking care,



N P Heron

Rector of Wem, Lee Brockhurst and Weston-under-Redcastle

01939 232550

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Week Commencing 7th March 2021 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Friends,

I can scarcely believe that it is now two weeks short of a year since I sent the first of these emails (21 Mar 20 to be exact).  Even my dull brain tells me that with the 'odd' extra that must mean this is at least the 50th, not an anniversary to relish in the least!.......However, if through this period we are staying in touch and connected, which we are, then we should not be despondent but encouraged by our resilience.  Lets us also be quietly determined and resolved in our faith through the time to come. 

May this find you still in good spirits, as well as possible and doing all you can to stay safe.  Whilst I express similar sentiments every week this could not be more meant!

There is nothing new to add to the update in the Parish Magazine or recent emails apropos the status of our public worship or church activities, these as always may be found at: www.wemcofe.co.uk - rest assured that any change will be notified via email as soon as made.  Fluctuating R rates locally, our need for vigilance and continued concern have mitigated against reopening, just yet, I so hope the day when we are able to is now soon.  Wem PCC Standing Committee are meeting (via Zoom) on Monday 8th March to reappraise matters.

As always up to date information may be found at Church of England website  and latest updates on guidance are also on our diocesan website.   You may also, as always, find recent updates and copies of these emails here.

Whilst the churches in our benefice remain closed at present if you wish to go in then please do not feel excluded I am sure this can be easily facilitated - simply let me know.


Many of you and all three of our churches support the work of our local Foodbank.  Do please read their Newsletter for February which is attached, it gives a good insight into the breadth and depth of their care in our communities, close to 30 tonnes of food distributed since last Mar, and also the hopes for the future.   Illustrating the size of this pressing social need and the demands on their essential services the Newsletter tells us:

This time last year we were reporting a huge increase in demand from the Foodbank and in 2020 we fed more than three times the number of people than the previous year, a total of 2810 adults and children. We have also passed another milestone with more than 1000 referrals since the start of the first lockdown last March. 

Please to continue to support the foodbank and when you can.


Following last weeks sermon from Archdeacon, Archdeacon of Walsall, this week we have a very stimulating and thought provoking sermon on our set readings from Dr Lindsey Hall - Lindsey is our Diocesan Shaping for Mission Enabler.  The sermon's intriguing title is 'The Lockdown Commandments',  Text of the sermon is attached and may be followed here.


You may follow our Cathedral services for this Sunday by clicking of the above and following the necessary links - i know that many of you do and find this extremely helpful, if you haven't do have a 'visit'.


08:00 - The Eucharist (traditional language)

10:30 - Choral Eucharist for The Third Sunday of Lent

17:30 - Evensong




Access the C of E website to find details of this week's service which you can also watch during the week, it is available from 0900.   Do visit the site, there are many excellent services saved on here which can still merit a 'watch'.

09:00 - 'Overturning the Tables.'  From the Crypt Chapel in Lambeth Palace, with Rev Canon Chris Russell, the online service marks the Third Sunday of Lent with the theme 'Overturning the Tables'.- Taken very clearly from the Gospel segment set for this Sunday.



Radio Four:  08:10 -  'Young People in Lockdown,'  The focus for this Third Sunday in Lent is on young people in lockdown.  Led by Jamie Cutteridge from the UK's first bespoke ecumenical Christian community serving young people.


11:30 - Sunday Worship for Lent Three.  The third in a series of services for the season of Lent, this week from All Saints Church in Hale Barns, Gtr Manchester - introduced by The Rev Kate Bottley.

13:15 - Songs of Praise.  'Personal Prayer'.  Katherine Jenkins reflects on personal prayer with young Christians in East Sussex

Please find attached the readingsLive the Word, and Homily for this Sunday (courtesy of Redemptorist Publications).  Also find attached our Local Prayer Diary and the Diocesan Prayer Diary.  

The Eucharist will be celebrated on behalf of the whole Benefice at 1030 on Sunday 7th Mar (in SS P&P's Wem).


If you are wondering if it's too late to do 'something' for Lent it certainly isn't!   Our diocesan website has created a very accessible weekly resource.   Each week is laid out in the same way, beginning with a very brief introduction to a topic, some suggested Bible passages, questions to prompt reflection and further resources should you wish to continue engaging with the topic.  This very much meets our common call to the 'observance of a holy Lent' and mirrors +Michael's hope  "that people will engage in a fresh encounter with the guidance and challenge of the scriptures as they relate to contemporary issues" .  To see our diocesan material  click here.

Our Lent discussion group will continue via Zoom (what else😵?) this Tuesday (9th Mar) at 19:30.


It was really heartening to receive such positive responses to our on-line offerings for Christmas so there are some others coming your way soon.  Irrespective as to whether or not we have resumed Public Worship these will hopefully be helpful to all and very much so for those who will understandably not be able to join with us in person when we first resume.  Very many thanks to Ruth for al her work with these.

The first is a Reflection for Mothering Sunday which will be in your email in-box (and on Wem church FB page and website) in good time for next Sun.  Then in due course we hope to have an on-line  Good Friday Reflection alongside a Maundy Thursday Mass and Homily.


This really is a question from our Diocesan Lent Space for Reflection, no, I'm not setting 'homework'(!) ..........but something to ponder:

'During the summer of 2020 many people started to talk about the ‘new normal’ – what life would be like as we emerged out of the pandemic. As we went back into lockdown and faced the winter, this conversation lost some of its energy. However, it is a reality that things have changed during the last year and we have the opportunity to make some choices about which changes we build on, and which we abandon. 

How does thinking about the future and a ‘new normal’ make you feel? Why do you think that is?'

.Have the best week you can and keep an eye open for the Mothering Sunday Reflection - keep taking care and stay safe

Every good wish,


N P Heron

Rector of Wem, Lee Brockhurst and Weston-under-Redcastle

01939 232550

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Mothering Sunday - 14th March 2021 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you as well as possible on this bright, blustery morning.

Please click on the following link to watch our Parish   Reflection for Mothering Sunday,   Do please feel able to share with friends, neighbours or family who may appreciate this.

Our many thanks to Ruth for all her hard work with this and for those who read, thank you.

Every good wish, stay safe,


N P Heron

Rector of Wem, Lee Brockhurst and Weston-under-Redcastle

01939 232550

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Week Commencing 14th March 2021 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Friends,

What a mixed email this is going to be (how's that for an ulterior hint to read on? except it can't be now I've written that!)).  Irrespective may this find you in good spirits and the best health possible and navigating this stage of lockdown peacefully.  Why mixed?  Well, too clearly, we are still in the midst of lockdown with all the seriousness, continued care and diligence this entails yet I sense most of us see some light at the end of this tragic, catastrophic period; it is good to see our schools returned (and our prayers are very much with them); we can start to plan towards the resuming of our public worship; this Sunday is Mothering Sunday, Laertare Sunday also called Mid-Lent Sunday or Refreshment Sunday, a day of respite from fasting halfway through the penitential season of Lent, yet for all this we are still mid-Lent and with so much to do and a way to go yet.


There is nothing immediate to add to the update in the Parish Magazine or recent emails apropos the status of our public worship or church activities these as always may be found at: www.wemcofe.co.uk,

However, as we anticipate an upturn in circumstances and The Great Feast of Easter Bishop Michael has written to all his clergy and church wardens. From Easter Eve (3 Apr) the canonical requirement for worship will no longer be suspended; this means that any benefice in which all the parishes do not wish to resume worship will have to apply to the Bishop for special dispensation for this still to be the case.  

 +Michael writes:   

"I know that many of you will be considering having churches open for in-person public worship, and to be able to do that safely by Easter would be a powerful statement of the hope that is at the heart of our faith. If you are planning that your church will be open at or before Easter, I would ask you please to share your up-to-date risk assessment with your rural dean." 

You will be very interested in where we are at as a benefice, parish by parish:

SS Peter & St Paul's will resume public worship on Palm Sun (28th March)

St Peter's will resume on Easter Day (4th April)

St Luke's, are considering the best option for Weston

It is sensible and healthy that our three churches are carefully charting the best opening strategy for their respective congregations

As always up to date information may be found at Church of England website  and latest updates on guidance are also on our diocesan website.

Whilst the churches in our benefice remain closed at present (Wem will reopen on Mon and Fri from 22 March) if you wish to go in before then please do not feel excluded, I am sure this can be easily facilitated - simply let me know.


Some of our recent sermon gifts have been from diocesan leaders who may have been 'new' names to most of you.  The preacher this week requires no introduction for many for it is our own Archdeacon of Salop, The Ven Paul Thomas.  Archdeacon Paul's sermon text, "The 3 Rs of Motherhood", is here and may be followed here.


You may follow our Cathedral services for this Sunday by clicking of the above and following the necessary links -  many of you do and find this extremely helpful, if you haven't do have a 'visit'.


08:00 - The Eucharist (traditional language)

10:30 - Choral Eucharist for Mothering Sunday

17:30 - Evensong



Access the C of E website to find details of this week's service which you can also watch during the week, it is available from 09:00.   Do visit the site, there are many excellent services saved on here which can still merit a 'watch'.

09:00:  ' Mothering Sunday from Gloucester Cathedral'

Hear from the Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Rev Rachel Treweek, in this extract from our weekly worship. From Gloucester Cathedral, the full online church service for Mothering Sunday also features Pam Rhodes, and real-life stories of mothering.


Radio Four   08:10 - Sunday Worship.  For the fourth Sunday in Lent the Presbyterian Chaplain to Ulster Uni' and the Principal of Belfast Bible College consider how Jesus reached out to the thirsty at the wedding in Cana and how he reaches out to us today.

BBC ONE   11:15 - Sunday Worship for Lent Four.  The fourth in a series of services for the season of Lent, this week celebrating Mothering Sunday from St Cuthbert's Church, Preston - introduced by The Rev Kate Bottley.

BBC TWO   13:15 - Songs of Praise. 'Mothering Sunday',  Brenda Edwards finds out how St Elisabeth's Church in Stockport makes Mothering Sunday special.

Please find attached the readingsLive the Word, and Homily for this Sunday (courtesy of Redemptorist Publications).  Also find attached our Local Prayer Diary and the Diocesan Prayer Diary.  

The Eucharist will be celebrated on behalf of the whole Benefice at 10:30 on Sunday 14th Mar (in SS P&P's Wem).


If you are wondering, it's never too late to do 'something' for Lent!   Our diocesan website has created a very accessible weekly resource.   Each week is laid out in the same way, beginning with a very brief introduction to a topic, some suggested Bible passages, questions to prompt reflection and further resources should you wish to continue engaging with the topic.  This very much meets our common call to the 'observance of a holy Lent' and mirrors +Michael's hope  "that people will engage in a fresh encounter with the guidance and challenge of the scriptures as they relate to contemporary issues" .  To see our diocesan material click here. it couldn't be easier: 

The Wem Lent discussion group will continue via Zoom this Tuesday at 19:30.


As promised last week we have an on-line Reflection for Mothering Sunday, if have not received this you can find it here. Please share this link with family, friends or neighbours - a good, easy, accessible and effective way of sharing our faith.

In due course we intend to have an on-line Good Friday Reflection alongside a Maundy Thursday Mass and Homily.


We have two saints days to commemorate this week, on Wednesday it is St Patrick's Day and on Friday we remember Joseph of Nazareth.  In joining in the Collect for each of these days we truly unite one another in a common bond of faith.

Almighty God,

who in your providence chose your servant Patrick

to be the apostle of the Irish people:

keep alive in us the fire of the faith he kindled

and strengthen us in our pilgrimage

towards the light of everlasting life;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.



God, our Father,

who from the family of your servant David

raised up Joseph the carpenter

to be the guardian of your incarnate Son

and husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

give us grace to follow him

in faithful obedience to your commands;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.


From an interview with Gwen Adshead, forensic psychiatrist and psychotherapist, in 'The Church Times',............ something to ponder:

"Hope is a duty as well as a virtue to be practised."

As always, look after one another and yourselves, take care,


N P Heron

Rector of Wem, Lee Brockhurst and Weston-under-Redcastle

01939 232550

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Week Commencing 21st March 2021 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Friends,

Well, hard though it would have been to imagine at the start of the pandemic, I sent the first of these emails a year ago on 21 Mar 2020.  A long and truly tragic year, which is reflected towards the end of this email.  However, words do sometimes fail us don't they?

Less of a mixed bag of an email this week yet the same very best wishes to all of you with the hope that things through lockdown are progressing as well as they might, you are in good spirits and taking the best care possible.  I trust last week's email provided 'food' for devotion and for thought too, we've had some delightful feedback on our Reflection for Mothering Sunday and it is heartening to know it has (to date) over a 150 views - lest you missed this it can still be found here.  Do have a look, it is by no means limited to Mothering Sunday in its themes and content.


There is nothing immediate to add to the update in the Parish Magazine or recent emails apropos the status of our public worship or church activities these as always may be found on the SS Peter & St Paul's web site.

It is well worth reiterating that as we anticipate an upturn in circumstances and The Great Feast of Easter Bishop Michael has written to all his clergy and church wardens. From Easter Eve (3 Apr) the canonical requirement for worship will no longer be suspended; this means that any benefice in which all the parishes do not wish to resume worship will have to apply to the Bishop for special dispensation for this still to be the case.  

 +Michael writes:   

"I know that many of you will be considering having churches open for in-person public worship, and to be able to do that safely by Easter would be a powerful statement of the hope that is at the heart of our faith. If you are planning that your church will be open at or before Easter, I would ask you please to share your up-to-date risk assessment with your rural dean." 

At the time of writing our expectation is that our Public Worship will resume in each parish as follows:

Wem:  SS Peter & St Paul's will resume public worship from Palm Sun (28 Mar)

Lee:  St Peter's will resume from Easter Day

Weston:  St Luke's will have an Easter Day Eucharist at 11:00 - worship thereafter to be confirmed

I cannot stress too strongly that it is, very clearly, absolutely fine and in order for any not to resume just yet if we feel individually that the time is not quite right and no one should feel under any pressure to do so

Equally should there, though clearly the last thing we would wish, be an increase in the local R figure we will re-consider, for instance Wem PCC Standing Committee is meeting via zoom on Monday (22nd) and I will confer again with all the church wardens prior to our actually restarting.  Things should be confirmed next week but meantime please consider the above as our joint intents.

As always up to date information may be found on the Church of England website  and latest updates on guidance are also on our diocesan website.

SS Peter & St Paul's Wem will reopen for private prayer on Monday and Friday from 22nd March.  If you wish to go into any of our churches for a personal quiet time then please do not feel excluded I am sure this can be easily facilitated - simply let me know.


I trust you will have gained much from Archdeacon Paul's sermon of last week.  Our sermon gift this week, from The Rev Dr Jeanette Hartwell, is on our readings for Passion Sunday and entitled 'Idle curiosity of faithful discipleship?'  Jeanette is lead for The Vocations and Training team which encourages, nurtures and equips those exploring vocations and those training for formal ministry.

Text of the sermon can be found here and may be followed here.


You may follow our Cathedral services for this Sunday by clicking of the above and following the necessary links -  many of you do and find this extremely helpful, if you haven't do have a 'visit'.


08:00 - The Eucharist (traditional language)

10:30 - Choral Eucharist for Passion Sunday

17:30 - Evensong




Access the C of E website to find details of this week's service which you can also watch during the week, it is available from 09:00.   Do visit the site, there are many excellent services saved on here which can still merit a 'watch'.

09:00 - 'Passion Sunday, the Fifth Sunday in Lent.'  Join with our National Church worshipping community online church service.  This week marking Passion Sunday, the Fifth Sunday in Lent.


Radio Four:  08:10 - 'Lost Years.'  A moment of remembrance led by the Archbishop of York marks the loss of over 125,000 lives as the nation prepares to mark the anniversary of lockdown.  Led by Debbie Thrower.

BBC ONE:   11:15 -  Sunday Worship for Lent Five.  The fifth in a series of services for the season of Lent, from St Martin's Church, Maidstone - introduced by The Rev Kate Bottley.

BBC TWO:   13:15 - Songs of Praise.  Some favourite moments from previous programmes.

Please find attached the readingsLive the Word, and Homily for this Sun (courtesy of Redemptorist Publications).  Also find attached our Local Prayer Diary and the Diocesan Prayer Diary.

The Eucharist will be celebrated on behalf of the whole Benefice at 10:30 on Sunday 21st Mar (in SS P&P's Wem).


If you are wondering, it's never too late to do 'something' for Lent!   Our diocesan website has created a very accessible weekly resource.   Each week is laid out in the same way, beginning with a very brief introduction to a topic, some suggested Bible passages, questions to prompt reflection and further resources should you wish to continue engaging with the topic.  This very much meets our common call to the 'observance of a holy Lent' and mirrors +Michael's hope  "that people will engage in a fresh encounter with the guidance and challenge of the scriptures as they relate to contemporary issues" .  To see our diocesan material click here, it couldn't be easier:

The Wem Lent discussion group will continue via Zoom this Tue at 19:30.


Where has the month gone?  It's time to ask for any contributions to our April magazine.  Any articles, poems, reflections or similar are, as always, eagerly awaited by Pam or myself and I wonder how many have particular thoughts to share about their Lent or Mothering Sunday this year?


To mark this major day in our calendar the Eucharist will be celebrated for the whole benefice at 09:30.  Perhaps we can all join together at some point in the day in saying the Collect and reflecting on the set readings:

Hebrews 10. 4-10

Luke 1. 26-38

We beseech you, O Lord, pour your grace into our hearts, that as we have known the incarnation of your Son Jesus Christ by the message of an angel, so by his cross and passion we may be brought to the glory of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


Might we all join in this, as is best for ourselves.

Organised by Marie Curie, the National Day of Reflection looks to reflect on our collective loss, support those who've been bereaved, and hope for a brighter future.

The Very Revd Adrian Dorber, Dean of Lichfield has written : “There will be time enough for us to come together to reflect, to remember, to grieve, and to give thanks. But for now, on the anniversary of the first national lockdown while the country is still under lockdown restrictions......take a moment to remember all those who have died, to reflect on our shared experience of this pandemic, to give thanks to all those working on the frontline in the health and social care services without whom our lives and those of our loved ones would have been very much different, and to offer care and compassion for each other.  

Loving God, You hold all our times in your hands, our past, our present, our future. Be close to us now as we remember all the difficulties and disappointments of the past year. Be especially close to all of us who are thinking of someone we loved and knew, but see no longer, whether family, friend, colleague or neighbour. Help us to trust that they are at peace with you, and comfort us with your presence. 

As always, look after one another and yourselves, take care,


N P Heron

Rector of Wem, Lee Brockhurst and Weston-under-Redcastle

01939 232550


Dear Friends,

I wonder if you have an idea how much it meant to me to be able to type the heading above?  I have no doubt that you will all wish to know and am quite sure it will please many to read that our Public Worship will be resuming from this Sunday 28 March, Palm Sunday when there will be a Eucharist at 08:00 and 09:45.  Thereafter as long as things remain as they (approximately) are we will continue with Sunday worship following our usual pattern.

Your PCC Standing Committee could not have thought harder about this nor taken their responsibility for our/your care more seriously - at the same time hoping, as we all have, that our collective worship and especially the Eucharist which we so miss could safely resume.  The reason for the timing is very clearly that the R rate both parochially and in the surrounding areas has now stabilised at a level where reopening seems reasonable.  However, could there be a better time to be gathering again than Palm Sunday and on the cusp of the great day of Easter?

It is absolutely imperative to emphasise to those who, as yet, feel unable to resume collective worship that we have nothing but absolute respect and support for you in this.  Bulk emails and links to on-line worship, news and developments will of course continue for all.

When we do gather it is important to stress that the protocols for covid-safety will remain exactly as before, that is:

 *  Always sanitise hands on entry, after touching anything 'communal' and before Communion. 

 *  Wear your mask whenever attending worship.

 *  At all times keep to physical distancing - the 2 metre rule.

 *  As you would expect Communion will remain in 'one kind' and as yet we are not able to sing.

 *  Follow any other guidance of the church wardens or sidespeople/welcomers.

There is now the caveat that all must leave directly after the service and not 'mingle' either in church or outside, this is a governmental legal requirement.

Please do see all of the safeguards for exactly what they are, a striving to keep us all as safe as we can be whilst still rejoicing in our Sacrament and worship.

With every good wish, keep taking care,


N P Heron

Rector of Wem, Lee Brockhurst and Weston-under-Redcastle

01939 232550

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Week Commencing 28th March 2021 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Friends,

I write on the cusp of Holy Week and Easter, our most precious time of the year - underneath links for devotion during this Holy period, some local offerings and for those able some servcies resumed in our churches across the Benefice.  I sincerely hope this finds you keeping as well as possible and in the best of spirits as we, hopefully, move through lockdown.


There is nothing immediate to add to the update in the Parish Magazine or recent emails apropos the status of our public worship or church activities these as always may be found at: www.wemcofe.co.uk,

 As you know our Bishop Michael has written:

"I know that many of you will be considering having churches open for in-person public worship, and to be able to do that safely by Easter would be a powerful statement of the hope that is at the heart of our faith. If you are planning that your church will be open at or before Easter, I would ask you please to share your up-to-date risk assessment with your rural dean." 

I can confirm that mercifully, for reasons far greater than our resuming worship, the local R number is now such that a return to some of our services now seems reasonable - as long as we exercise absolute care and diligence following both guidelines and government stipulation.  Therefore:


Palm Sunday, in Wem Parish Church there will be a Eucharist at 08:00 and 09:45.  Also:

The Eucharist will be celebrated on behalf of the whole Benefice at 19:30 on Monday, 09:30 on Tuesday and 12:00 on Wednesday in Holy Week.

Maundy Thursday:  19:30:  Holy Eucharist (There will be no remaining for a vigil or participation in the stripping of the church afterwards, rather all will leave straight after the dismissal - this does have a certain liturgical power)  

Good Friday:  10:30:  Stations of the Cross. (Unlike past years this will not involve walking around the church, rather we hope to use a central screen to project images of the Way of the Cross with all remaining in their pews for safety.)  Again all will leave immediately afterwards with no meeting either in or out of church - again this has some symbolic power.

There will doubtless be some good on-line or media links for Good Friday - I will forward these with our local on-line offerings....please see below.

On EASTER DAY there will be a Eucharist of the Resurrection in each church in the Benefice; 

Wem at 08:00 and 09:45

Weston Parish Church at 11:00 

Lee Parish Church at 11:15.

When we do gather it is important to stress that the protocols for covid-safety will remain exactly as before, that is: 

 *  Always sanitise hands on entry, after touching anything 'communal' and before Communion 

 *  Wear your mask whenever attending worship

 *  At all times keep to physical distancing -  the 2 metre rule

 *  As you would expect Communion will remain in 'one kind' and as yet we are not able to sing

 *  Follow any other guidance of the church wardens or sidespeople

There is now the caveat that all must leave directly after the service and not 'mingle' either in church or outside.

I cannot stress too strongly that it is, very clearly, absolutely fine and in order for any not to resume just yet if we feel individually that the time is not quite right and no one should feel under any pressure to do so.

Equally should there, though clearly the last thing we would wish, be an increase in the local R number we will have to re-consider our policy.

As always up to date information may be found at Church of England website  and latest updates on guidance are also on our diocesan website.

SS Peter & St Paul's has reopened for private prayer on Mon and Fri.  If you wish to go into any of our churches for a personal quiet time then please do not feel excluded, I am sure this can be easily facilitated - simply let me know.

For any not yet able to resume worship this email with contacts for on-line services will continue for the interim - as indeed this week for the parishioners in Lee or Weston who may not for understandable reasons feel it best for them to venture to Wem.



You may follow our Cathedral services for this Sunday by clicking on the above and following the necessary links -  many of you do and find this extremely helpful, if you haven't do have a 'visit'.


08:00 - Holy Communion of Palm Sunday (traditional language)

10:30 - The Liturgy of Palm Sunday

17:30 - Evensong for Palm Sunday

18:30 - Stations of the Cross




Access the C of E website to find details of this week's service which you can also watch during the week, it is available from 09:00.   Do visit the site, there are many excellent services saved on here which can still merit a 'watch'.

09:00 - ' Palm Sunday, Learning to be The Church again.'  From St Paul's Church Scotforth in Lancaster, an online act of worship led by Rev Dr Rebecca Aechtner, with a sermon from Rev Dr Anderson Jeremiah.



 Radio Four   08:10 - 'Lost Years.'  A moment of remembrance led by the Archbishop of York marks the loss of over 125,000 lives as the nation prepares to mark the anniversary of lockdown.  Led by Debbie Thrower.

BBC ONE   11:00 - Sunday Worship for Palm Sunday.  From All Saints Church, Hale Barns, Greater Manchester.  reflecting on what Palm Sunday might mean for us today - introduced by The Rev Kate Bottley.

                      13:15 - Songs of Praise. 'Finding Hope'.  Aled Jones meets a scientist from the Oxford vaccine team to celebrate hope.  With hymns for Palm Sunday and Holy Week.

Please find attached the readingsLive the Word, and Homily for this Sun (courtesy of Redemptorist Publications).  Also find attached our Local Prayer Diary and the Diocesan Prayer Diary.  


In the same way that we were able to offer a Christmas Mass and Reflection and a Mothering Sunday on-line there will soon be available:

A Eucharist, preceded by a brief Homily, for Maundy Thursday

A Tenebrae Service, of readings following The Passion with candles being gradually extinguished (it can be very moving) for Good Friday


+Michael recently wrote to all his clergy, the following excerpts will, I know, be of particular value for many:

Service In Memoriam on Holy Saturday In anticipation of our joyful celebration of the Resurrection, Evening Prayer will be broadcast from the Cathedral at 5.30pm on Saturday 3rd April with special remembrance of those who have died over the last year and prayers for those who have known bereavement or loss. The In Memoriam service can be found here  and the order of service will be found on the Cathedral website here.

Daybreak Prayers on Easter Day I warmly invite any of you who are awake and not otherwise engaged in worship to join me online for a short vigil of prayer from my garden at 5.45am on Sunday 4th April. As we join together in welcoming the light of the risen Christ, it would be good if you could have about you a candle, a means of lighting it, and a carefulness not to drop it. The prayer vigil will be broadcast on the Lichfield web site.


You will doubtless have noticed that we have no gift of a sermon from the Diocese this week.  However, beginning on 11 Apr there will be an on-line series entitled 'Bread of Life' on The Eucharist - at the very heart of our faith.  I for one am greatly looking forward to this and as +Michael also writes, details will be available soon:-

"In the Easter season, from the week beginning 11th April onwards, all the bishops of the diocese will be joining me in a weekly series of online video lectures on the meaning and practice of Holy Communion; I will be writing in Easter week with details of the programme for this."

 This promises to be informative and exciting as a focus on the centrality of the Blessed Sacrament.  Rest assured you will have details as and when and it is likely this may be followed by the opportunity for our local reflection on this gift to learning and faith


We are, or were, a little short of input for our Apr magazine.  Any articles, poems, reflections or similar are, as always, eagerly awaited by Pam or myself - this is however, to coin a phrase most of us will not have heard for a very long time 'Last Orders Please', it's not quite too late.......


From our Maundy Thursday Gospel, from which the word maundy is derived:  mandatum/commandment 

"I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”    John Chapter 13


Have a Holy Week marked by care and safety - every good wish,


N P Heron

Rector of Wem, Lee Brockhurst and Weston-under-Redcastle

01939 232550