(An article by Padre Nick taken from the Parish Magazine)

The Rev’d Vaughan Sweet is a voluntary Diocesan Advisor with many years successful experience working alongside a whole variety of parish churches in a not dissimilar position to ours; namely those facing a significant shortfall between giving (in whatever form) and the necessary and unavoidable costs of simply being a parish church.  On Sun 22 Oct Vaughan joined with us for the 9.45 am Eucharist and gave a presentation on how better to Realise and Resource our Mission as the Parish Church in Wem.


The Parish Magazine is not really a vehicle to do justice to Vaughan’s impeccably professional delivery and presentation as to how things are for us.  What ought to be said however is that he was honest, open and all there were grateful for the fruits of his experience and many, many hours detailed preparation.  This was not something Vaughan did in isolation, rather he had worked very closely with the PCC and its Mission and Finance Committee in the build up to 22 Oct.  Equally the PCC have been reflectively and prayerfully considering this whole area for some considerable time since their “Away Day” at the end of 2016.  It was certainly not something any undertook “lightly”.

For those not able to be there we have a pack-up with an excellent resume by Vaughan of his presentation and various very helpful leaflets and documents.  This will be going out to all on the Electoral Roll who were not able to attend, if you are on the ER and do not receive, for whatever reason, a copy please speak to one of the Church Wardens or if you are not on the ER and would like a copy please do likewise.

This morning did not only highlight the financial challenge to SS P & P’s it also brought out our plans for the future.  In the short to medium term these include amongst other things the following “Missional Aspirations”:

To reach out to and explore the wishes of our wider church members especially at both ends of our age spectrum, both

young families and those more senior in years

The running of a Pilgrim Course

The purchase of a new Noticeboard for the Church Green

Extending the Children’s Corner in church by removing three pews from the S aisle

Acquiring IT and audio-visual equipment

The establishment of  church Facebook page

A “Welcome Pack” for new church attenders and for distribution to new arrivals in the parish.

The aspirations are not a “wish list”.  They are a “to do” and “can do” agenda that your PCC is working towards, even as you read this.  One thing is for sure, to stand still in 2017 is effectively to go backwards; another certainty is that your PCC are determined to go forward faithfully in Christ’s name and meet the tasks he may have for us with joy and confidence.  How else can we grow in “FAITH, HOPE & LOVE”? Please make this walk of faith with them.

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