As well as all of the great issues surrounding us all due to the Covid 19 Crisis also pray more locally for those around us in our communities – our neighbours, those with whom we share our lives and on whose we work we depend.  Perhaps we might focus on an intent a day in addition to all our private and corporate national concerns:



Almighty God hear the prayers of your people for those with whom we share our lives and on whose work we depend.  Be with those who mourn, the lonely, anxious or distressed and grant your grace and strength to all whose work is essential or places them at risk.  This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, you know our needs before we ask and our weakness in asking; have compassion on our weakness, and give us those things which for our unworthiness we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


St Peter and St Paul - Prayer Diary - Week Beginning 5 April


Palm Sunday (5th)

Our neighbouring churches at the start of Holy Week

Mon of Holy Week

The staff of our Medical Centres

Tue of Holy Week

Residents and essential Carers in local care homes

Wed of Holy Week

Our local children with so much energy yet having to stay in

Maundy Thursday

Thanksgiving for our retail staff who continue to work in our essential outlets

Good Friday

Those who this crisis hurts most especially in our communities –  the work of our Food Banks

Easter Eve (11th)

Our Police & local Emergency Services and all they do for us
