Where Everyone Meets
Sweet Pea Weekend -
Where Everyone Meets complemented the Last Wem Sweet Pea Show with a community event allowing local organisations to showcase their activities and/or raise funds for their organisations. This year the weather forecast was for stormy weather and so the event was held inside the Church. The event was supported by the:
Beavers, Brownies, Christmas Lights Committee, Churches Together in Wem, Cubs, Friends of Whitchurch Road Cemetery, Getting Older Adults on Line (GOAL) & Welcome to Wem, Guides, Hope House, Macular Society / Blind Veterans Association, Royal British Legion, Scouts, Wem Town Hall, Wem Art Society, Wem Carnival, Wem Dementia Friendly, Wem Good Neighbours, Wem Rotary, Wem Town Council, Wem Women’s Institute and Wem Youth Club.
Our Prayer Table was prepared with prayer cards & lavender prayer bags for visitors.
Music was provided during the afternoon by the: Wem Jubilee Band, Clive Handbell Ringers, Wem Community Choir and our organist who played incidental music on the piano.
A BBQ served Beef Burgers and Hot Dogs outside whilst homemade cakes, tea, coffee and soft drinks were served in the Church Hall.
Thank you to Helen Hornsby for the Photographs and to the Organising Committee Fr Nick Heron, Cathy Dibben, Chris Mellings and Elaine Shaw
Click on a picture for a larger view